La Station FabLab

Place du 8 Mai 1945, Saint-Omer, France

Espace de coworking Fab Lab Incubateur

Superficie 200 m²

Ouvert en Juillet 2024

Type de structure Public Makerspace

Exploré en Septembre 2024

The place to be in St.Omer to learn, make and share together


Réseaux sociaux

Thématiques principales

Communauté Entrepreneuriat Alimentaire

Cet atelier est fait pour les : Makers professionnels Toute personne & toute organisation !

Les ateliers les plus proches :

Interview & visite guidée

Rencontrez une personne de notre atelier & découvrez le lieu par vous-même

Notre atelier en détails

Découvrez en plus sur notre espace, nos membres, nos machines & services !

La Station is the work and innovation space of Saint-Omer, INSIDE a train station.

It is also the locomotive of the transformation of the Pays de Saint-Omer and the symbol of our strongest conviction: tomorrow new ideas will be born everywhere, in contact with what is most dynamic and creative in the territory, entrepreneurs , industrialists, students and services connected to metropolises.

La Station, a project initiated by the Saint-Omer Urban Community, aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the Pays de Saint-Omer. In April 2018, the La Station association was created to manage, lead and develop the ecosystem.

Our team will be happy to welcome you :) - Ingrid Mazoyer,
- Jessy Hurbain,
- Agathe Doisy,
- Stéphane Deveaux,
- Marion Leys,
- Cédric Roussel

La Station is the work and innovation space of Saint-Omer, INSIDE a train station.

It is also the locomotive of the transformation of the Pays de Saint-Omer and the symbol of our strongest conviction: tomorrow new ideas will be born everywhere, in contact with what is most dynamic and creative in the territory, entrepreneurs , industrialists, students and services connected to metropolises.

La Station, a project initiated by the Saint-Omer Urban Community, aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the Pays de Saint-Omer. In April 2018, the La Station association was created to manage, lead and develop the ecosystem.

Our team will be happy to welcome you :) - Ingrid Mazoyer,
- Jessy Hurbain,
- Agathe Doisy,
- Stéphane Deveaux,
- Marion Leys,
- Cédric Roussel

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Découpe laser Découpe vinyle

Services proposés

Centre communautaire Constituer une équipe de makers Espace de travail partagé

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