
Tinkering feels good. It's the yoga of makers.

158 rue gray 1050 Bruxelles

Makerspace Fab Lab Centre communautaire Coopérative d'artisans

Superficie 80 m²

Ouvert en Mars 2012

Type de structure ASBL - Association Sans But Lucratif

Exploré en Février 2021

Openfab is a project of Syntonie asbl. The association explores the relationship between humans and their environment. Openfab is THE Brussels fablab that specifically explores the link between humans and technology. Openfab is a community whose aim is to set up mechanisms to help us free ourselves from these preliminary obstacles, to find meaning, motivation and excitement in our ideas for creation, to recreate the link locally. How do we do this? By encouraging exchanges through the mixing of know-how, by sharing a place and machines, and by example and hands-on experience.

Thématiques principales

Technologie - machines & outils Communauté Santé & bien-être Education Energie & environnement Artisanat Do-it-yourself

Cet atelier est fait pour les :

Artistes Artisans Makers professionnels Makers hobbyistes Toute personne & toute organisation !

Openfab? A club for geeks.

Welcome. If you’re here, it’s because you feel a bit lousy at DIY, but you want to improve. Congratulations!

Remember, I talk a lot about bricolage, but we agree that it’s not big woodworking. Openfab is a fablab, where we focus on skills associated with digital machines, 3D printing, electronics, laser cutting and engraving.

So if that’s what you’re looking for, registration is exclusively at the workshop. -^^- Because we don’t want you to sign up to please us, it must make YOU feel good. And being a member means coming to the lab, meeting each others. It’s not about filling out a form, it’s about welcoming you.

Notre atelier en détails

Découvrez en plus sur notre espace, nos membres, nos machines & services !

Technologies & procédés mis à disposition

Impression 3D Découpe laser Découpe vinyle Fraisage numérique Postes informatiques & logiciels Electronique Etabli outillage

Services proposés

Missions dans l'éducation Constituer une équipe de makers Atelier mobile Accès payant aux machines & outils Espace de travail partagé

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