Kustard Technologies - web & app developers

Conçu et développé à RiiDL

Développement web Développement mobile

Réseaux sociaux

Technologies utilisées

Postes informatiques & logiciels Développement web Développement mobile

What is it?

Mandar and Javed started to work together as freelancers in 2016, to help startups develop quality web and mobile applications. They finally decided to launch their own company “Kustard” providing services and building “in house” products. Their first app is named Dakaar. An application scrolling the web to find the best recipes according to your taste.

How do they interact with the workshop?

They joined the incubator 10 months ago, in October 2016.

“We use the space, facilities, no hardware needed in our case. They help us by providing computers & connecting us to industry contacts!”

What’s next?

They focus on making Dakaar a success (they already have 50,000 users, and launch their new SaaS product within 6 months.

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